Applications are closed for The Jack Henning Graduate Fellowship in Labor Culture and History.

applications are closed.

In 2009 the award was presented to Alex Johnston (UCSC, Community Studies) whose dissertation “Remember the Work: Remember the Worker: Blue Collar Preservation” and the film “Way Down in the Hole” provides us with a visceral exploration of the Great Colorado Coalfield War and the infamous Ludlow Massacre.

Kyle Arnone (UCLA, Sociology), our 2010 recipient, researched a unique case of workers’ self-organization among "independent-contractor" port truck drivers in Southern California.

Elizabeth Sine (UCSD, History) is awarded the Jack Henning Graduate Fellowship for 2011-12. Elizabeth's dissertation is entitled: "Movements on the Margins: An Archaeology of Struggles for Survival and Dignity in Depression-Era California".

Janette Diaz (UCSB, Sociology) has received our fellowship grant for 2012-2013 for her dissertation about department store retail workers' struggle for autonomy and occupational mobility in Central California.

Christian Paiz (USC, History) is the 2013-2014 recipient of the fellowship grant. His research is on Southern California's Coachella Valley farmworkers' involvement and relationship with the United Farm Workers movement and the community.

Alina Méndez (UCSD, History) is our 2014-2015 recipient. Her dissertation is entitled: "Land of Sun and Hunger: Labor and Migration in the Imperial-Mexicali Border Region, 1942-1964"

Robert Chlala (USC, Sociology) is our recipient of the 2015-2016 fellowship grant for his research with Los Angeles cannabis industry workers. His dissertation entitled "Making Cannabis Work: Transforming Labor, Redefining Politics in Los Angeles 'Gray' Spaces", addresses workers' culture in a relatively new and transforming industry in Southern California.

Preeti Sharma (UCLA, Asian American Studies) is awarded our 2016-2017 fellowship grant for her research project entitled "The Thread Between Them: Affective and Intimate Labor in L.A.'s South Asian Threading Salons. "

Eric Arce (UCSB, Sociology) receives our 2017-2018 fellowship grant for his research project entitled "Que te respeten tu trabajo...": Respect, indignity, and the moral economy of restaurant workers in Los Angeles.

David Hyde (UC Berkeley, Anthropology) is the 2018-2019 recipient of our fellowship grant. His research project is entitled: "Archaeological Investigations at the 19th Century Samuel Adams Lime Kilns in Santa Cruz County, California. "

Brianna Singleton (UCSF, School of Nursing) is our 2019-2020 fellowship recipient for her research project entitled "Social Influence on the Physical and Psychological Experience of Occupational Burnout among Electricians and Transit Vehicle Mechanics in Urban Transit. "

Laura Gomez (UC Merced, History and Critical Race & Ethnic Studies) is awarded our 2020-2021 fellowship grant for her research project entitled "Farmworker Labor Camps: Race, Gender, and the Family in California's Central Valley, 1880-1940. "

Natalia Gonzalez (UC Irving, Sociology) is awarded our 2021-2022 fellowship grant for her research project entitled "The Cost of Strawberries: Farmworkers, Exploitation, and Wildfires" discussing the impact of the 2017-2018 Thomas Wildfire on the experiences of migrant farmworkers in the workplace.

Nicholas Anderman (UC Berkeley, Department of Geography) is also awarded a fellowship grant for 2021-2022 for his research project entitled "Art, Labor and Port Automation: Expressive Culture on the California Waterfront. "

Diana Reddy (UC Berkeley, Department of Jurisprudence and Social Policy) receives our fellowship grant for 2022-2023 for her research project titled "Work Law and Politics: The Fault Lines and the Patchwork Quilt. "

Alonzo Ackerman (UC Berkeley, Department of Sociology) receives our fellowship grant for 2023-2024 for his discussion on the influence of collective bargaining and strikes on the organizational transformation of the National Education Association.

Faith Bennett (UC Davis, Department of History) receives our fellowship grant for 2024-2025 for her project entitled "Side Work: Class Consciousness and Political Activism Amidst the Decline of San Francisco Bay Area Restaurant Unions from the 1940s to 1980s."


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